Practical Driving Tests—An Overview

 To acquire a driver’s license in Texas, you must pass a vision test, a sign recognition test, a knowledge test, and a practical driving skills test. The vision, sign recognition, and knowledge test can be administered by a licensed driver education school.


What’s A Practical Driving Test?

The practical part of the driving test is conducted by the Department of Public Safety’s customer service representative (CSR). The student will be seated in the driver seat and the CSR in the passenger seat. The CSR examiner will assess your driving abilities and ask you to perform specific driving tasks.

Upon completion, the CSR will clarify any slip-ups and provide tips on how it could be done the right way. You will then receive the result of your test. If you’ve failed, the CSR will explain how and when a re-test can be conducted.


Before You Begin:

The CSR will examine the vehicle before the test begins. They will check whether the turn signals and lights are functioning optimally, whether the windshield provides an adequate field of vision and is crack-free, and if the tires are in good condition. The CSR will also ensure that your vehicle is legal and has passed inspections. If any component of the car seems faulty and will hinder safe driving, the test will be canceled. 


During The Test: 

While your driving test is in progress, the CSR will primarily judge you based on four fundamental driving skills. You can easily remember them using the acronym C.O.P.S:


1. Control—the student should be able to control the vehicle with ease. They should know where every part is, ranging from the turn signals to the gearshift, and even the emergency brake.

2. Observe—using all three mirrors to observe and evaluate traffic behavior and how to respond accordingly. Using turn signals, checking blind spots, and handling every maneuver skillfully. 

3. Position—keeping the car in the correct lane.

4. Signals—using the blinkers to signal other vehicles before making a turn.


Apart from these four basics, the CSR will expect you to do the following:

· Maintain the correct posture 

· Parallel parking

· Obeying traffic signs and signals

· Stopping quickly without skidding

· Reversing—students are usually asked to drive the car in reverse for about 15 feet, keeping it as straight and smooth as possible 

· Follow, pass, and maintain the correct lanes


If students refuse to follow the instructions provided by the CSR, violate the law, drive aggressively, or have more than 30 points deducted, they will fail the test.


Houston’s Leading Driving School


The road to acquiring a driver’s license depends on your choice of driving instruction. Champions Driving School is a Third Party Skills Testing authorized school, so you can head here instead of having to go through the never-ending lines of the DPS for the practical exam. In addition, they also provide state-approved defensive driving courses and quality drivers education in-person and online in Houston, Call 8329343077 for more information about their programs. 




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