Defensive Driving - Everything You Need To Know

 In the United States, road crashes are the leading cause of death for people aged 1–54. The yearly count of people that die in road accidents was recorded at 38,000 by the Association for Safe International Road Travel. In non-fatal cases, about 4.4 million are injured and require medical attention. Defensive driving helps drivers stay alert for potential road hazards making it essential for safety on the road.


What is Defensive Driving?

Defensive Driving refers to safe driving strategies that go beyond necessary traffic procedures and regulations to empower drivers to address recognized risks in a predictable way. These skills are used as a defense against possible dangers from drunk drivers, reckless drivers, or poor weather.


Defensive driving classes help drivers anticipate situations and empower them to make informed decisions. This, in turn, reduces driving dangers and improves their skills on the road. When a driver completes a safe driving maneuver, these decisions are implemented based on the presented environmental and road conditions.


Why Is Defensive Driving Important? 


1. Cost Reduction

 In the US, many states, including Texas, have liaised with auto insurance companies to provide a 10% discount to those who complete a defensive driving course. The availability and requirement of the discount varies depending on the insurance company and ZIP code. 

2. Low Chance Of Getting Tickets

A defensive driving course can help drivers with driving violations in reducing points or dismissing a ticket from their driving record. Extra tickets on a record could cost monetary fines, including lost wages, if the license is suspended.


If a person can't drive, money will go toward paying for cabs, trains, and other transportation needs. Taking a defensive driving course is a quick and compelling approach to keep your driving record clean.

3. Vehicle Safety

Along with keeping you safe, defensive driving also protects your car from high maintenance costs and procedures. Aggressive drivers tend to slam the breaks in a manner that weakens their brake pads; in addition, their gas mileage is also affected.


Defensive driving teaches drivers to stay alert and relaxed, giving their car the care and treatment it deserves. This results in fewer problems, and a reliable, long-lasting vehicle.


Houston’s Leading Driving School

Your safety on the road depends on your ability to drive defensively and smartly. If you’re looking for state-approved defensive driving courses in Houston, get in touch with Champions Driving School. They offer premium quality online defensive driving, and other drivers education in-person and online. Call 8329343077 for more information about their programs. 




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