Teen Drivers: Driving School vs. Parental Guidance

Driver’s education plays an important role in preparing you for real-life dangers when you’re driving. Its importance is indicated by the fact that between 1830 and 2017, the number of fatal teen accidents has increased manifold. Of this number, a large percentage involves parent-taught drivers.
For this number to go down, we need to give our teens the education they need to prepare them for all contingencies.
 Here’s how professional driving lessons can help.

Highly Experienced Instructors

Teaching someone how to drive can be very anxiety-inducing, especially for someone who doesn’t have the pre-requisite experience. Now combine that with the fear of your child’s safety, and you have all the ingredients for a panic attack!
Instructors have the proper experience and the ability to work with people of different personalities, abilities, as well as experience levels. They can even customize their teaching method according to the kind of teen they’re dealing with. Additionally, professional instructors follow a fixed curriculum, which means they don’t need to resort to guesswork when it comes to teaching. This streamlines the teaching process significantly.

The ‘External’ Factor

Furthermore, you may find it hard to get to your kids, or you may even be too comfortable with them to be taken seriously. Either way, it will get very tough for you to convince your teens to absorb the material before getting practical experience. They’re more likely to assume that they know much more than they actually do, which is very dangerous!
With a professional instructor, they’ll be less inclined toward ignoring what they’re told to do.


While you may intend to give your teen regular driving lessons, you will get bogged down by work or other commitments. This means you won’t be able to give your child the time they need to lock it all down and become great at driving.
This will make it very tough for them to adjust and acquire the skills they need.

Structured Process

Additionally, they might miss out on the educational part of driving lessons that instructors allocate a good amount of time to. This will impair their ability to deal with issues on the road. For instance, most people tend to forget to tell their teens to slow down at intersections, which can result in an accident. 

You can always aid your teens in their learning experience by taking them out for occasional practice sessions but you should have a professional teach them the basics. For professional driving lessons, you can contact Champions Driving School in Houston, TX and get them to equip your teen with the skills that make you a good driver!


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