Driving on Freeways: What You Need to Know

So, you can skip traffic and take the freeway home from work. Like always though, you decide not to out of fear. Speeding semi-trailer trucks moving at 65 mph can be intimidating for anybody. However, you’re only hesitant to get on freeways because you don’t know how to go about it. Follow this guide to master driving on freeways. Avoid Freeways When Circumstances are Unfavorable Certain circumstances call for prudent action. Fog, rain, hail, or snow can all dangerously impair driving ability. On average, there are nearly 5,000 people killed and more than 418,000 people injured in weather-related crashes every year—more so, when vehicles move at the high speeds that they do on freeways. Similarly, avoid the freeway when it’s congested with traffic. Moreover, it’s best to use your usual route and avoid the freeway on weekend nights and New Year’s Eve when drunk drivers are all too common. Drowsy Driving: Don’t Do It Drowsy driving is implicated in 100,000 police-re...